Trans Mars Expedition


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Mission into the n-dimensional vector space

The trans mars expedition was launched in the year 2000 terrestrial time. A part of the project has been shown in an exhibit at the pro- art gallery in Bremen, Germany in the same year. The recent mission was supposed to explore the n-dimensional vector space. Despite some failures and unforeseen events all systems worked generally reliable. Useful research data were transferred at a regular rate and the scientific results are amazing.
Since the total communication breakdown at 96.21.5998 however no signal has been received and all attempts to restore contact have failed. It seems unlikely that anybody of the crew has survived.

bioeletronic interface bio-electronic interfaces
various experimental apparatus, some with calibration table
bioelektronic interface  

Passing the organ transmitter we collapsed right onto the second main level of the anti- materialization field. Within seconds we managed to stabilize the time shield and to fix a broken antenna. Nonetheless we lost orientation and drifted at random towards infinity. Only if we manage to install some cybernators we may be able to navigate the n- dimensional coordinate system. Meanwhile we try to focus the Bernoulli detector on the linear aberration of super strings, but the alignment is still not satisfying. The jumping sheep counters of the REM meter failed partly. Two thirds of the instrument is non- functional, but the third counter is returning good science data. The problem is still under investigation.
Since the last Glenview transformation the crew is working time space shift. After the intake of an overdose of blueprints captain High Heels suffered of a permanent erection for 16 time circles until he finally ejaculated into hyper space.

diary entry 92.21.5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

Wir durchstießen die transversale Raumachse in der partiellen Gegenzeit und dematerialisierten im achten Quadranten. Schon nach vierhundert Parsec verloren wir den Lemmer- Aktivator und drifteten in zwei gegenlaeufigen Phasen gegen den Azimut. Erst nach Einschalten der Vertilatoren konnten wir unsere Einschleifung halbwegs stabilisieren und die viralen Turbulenzen ausgleichen. Im Zwischendeck stellten wir nur geringe Schaeden fest, aber der konkave Hilfsraum musste voellig aufgegeben werden. Durch Ausfall der Hauptantenne verloren wir auch den Kontakt zur Trans- Basis. Dadurch wurde unsere Orientierung in den gruenen Nebeln der Markowski- Galaxis praktisch unmoeglich.
So zufallieren wir dem Chaos entgegen und ernaehren uns nur von Mandelbrot und Apfelmaennchen.

Logbuch Eintrag 54. 21. 5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.


phallobot Phallobots
Pathfinder robots which can penetrate pink holes in curled up dimensions of Calabi-Yau spaces
phallobot Phallobot2

Behind the backslash we found some unprintable characters which obviously belong to an alien culture. Pressing the shift and scroll key simultaneously we were pushed into backspace between semi empty pages floating upside down towards the next tab stop. Underlining the main headlines some crew members developed a border line syndrome. sdrawkcab secnetnes lla gindiaer yb derotser eb dluoc yehT. ?
Exposure to 5 mega units of Rosa Praunheim radiation caused the entire crew to copulate for hours. Captain High Heels had multiple orgasms until he fainted. He is still unconscious. We may have to give him an injection of bubble jet ink to refill his cartridge and reanimate his printing functions. Fearing mutiny first officer Mac Govern tied himself to the control key. We will have to install new warning systems for pink radiation forecast. Meanwhile we press enter and return. What will we face beyond the zed? May the force be with us!

diary entry 93.21.5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

Nach drei vergeblichen Versuchen katapultierte uns der Echtzeitsimulator in die siebte Scheinebene. Commander Wang Li mussten wegen cerebraler Antinomien einige Einheiten Gamma Merolin verabreicht werden. Die uebrige Crew leidet auch unter gelegentlichen Schwindelanfaellen. Mit Hilfe des Owango Detektors konnten wir erste Messungen der Levin- Strahlung beginnen, muessen aber die Parameter noch besser abgleichen. Nach Verstaerkung des Firewallschutzes erfolgt der automatisierte Datentraeger- Update trotz permanenter Virusinvasion im Zentral- bios wieder zuverlaessig. Der Pulsgenerator und die Energiespule des Lambda Fazers muessen regelmaessig ersetzt werden. Dann arbeitet das Geraet einwandfrei und liefert reproduzierbare Ergebnisse. In der naechsten Kernphase versuchen wir, die vertikale Hybridverschiebung zu parallelisieren.

Logbuch Eintrag 55. 21. 5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

gbox Guetermann box
multiple purpose test kit, specially suitable for messy collector attacks
bernoulli Bernoulli Detector
used to detect various aberrations of super string resonance (linear, transversal etc.)

Still searching for a proof of the new Unified Field Theory we removed all paper before reloading. Slipping through a time warp we think to have observed a hardly noticeable but evident vibration of super string resonance in proportion to the Sophus Lie operator. We finally could have found a pink hole to slip into a parallel universe. We will have to navigate a minefield of very explosive theories though. Like J.B.S. Haldane said: the universe is "not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose." So we prepare the CSD protection kit to face the upcoming orgies which go as the inverse square of the frequency change. During the next erection phase we will dive right into the big pink asshole. For safety’s sake we will send some pathfinder phallobots first to explore the unknown territory.

diary entry 94.21.5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

Wir sind in den Infinitesimalraum eingedrungen. Die Ableitung der regulaeren Stammfunktionen verlief nach Plan. In der Trigonometrie gab es allerdings mentale Probleme. Der Cotangens verursachte leichte Distortionen in der Genitalzone. Der Vorstoss in den irrationalen Bereich rief heftige Erschuetterungen der alternierenden Bewusstseinsebene hervor, physiologisch verbunden mit Uebelkeit und Erbrechen.
Daher musste der Versuch zur Verkreisung des Quadrats verschoben werden. Mit dem Bernoulli Detector konnten zum ersten mal kinetische Aberrationen in der Hyperbelebene nachgewiesen werden. Weitere Versuche sind geplant. Commander Wang Li leidet neuerdings unter Fussnotenpilz. Wenn die Injektion von vierzig Megaeinheiten Palmin nicht hilft, werden wir amputieren muessen.

Logbuch Eintrag 56. 21. 5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

phallobot Phallobot3 phallobot Phallobot4

After exchanging the pulse generator and the energy coil of the lambda fazer we tried again to aim the instrument towards the green nebula of the Markowski galaxy. We didn’t yet manage to parallel the vertical hybrid alteration. So we will have to adjust more parameters. Some calibration data are still missing.
During the last time gap we left the parabolic matrix and spiraled through the irrational space grid into the killing fields of Duan Loug. The screen saver protected us against the attack of the tiny tubby squirrel phantoms and the queer bashing hippo monsters. But nothing could help us against the toy boys in the red light quarter of the animated giffs. Their lubricious scum infiltrated all systems and caused a brake down of the central operating kernel. Only by massive masturbation we could avoid a total disaster. Fortunately we found life west’s under our seats. Otherwise we would have drowned in a lake of sub atomic sperm.
Captain High Heels received a kissogram from mother earth. Because he is still suffering of multiple orgasms he might be replaced by an android.

diary entry 95.21.5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

Schon seit Wochen glitten wir ohne jeden Kontakt zur Trans- Basis entlang der Grenze zur kryptografischen Gitterwelt. Die ueblichen Messungen wurden routinemaessig durchgeführt. In der Crew machte sich Langeweile breit, die vereinzelt zu aggressivem Verhalten fuehrte. Commander Wang Li beschloss daher in Richtung des pubertaeren Hologramms abzudrehen. Durch den Ausfall aller Cybernatoren wurde eine zuverlaessige Navigation im n- dimensionalen Koordinatennetz nicht mehr moeglich. Verloren in den unendlichen Weiten der holografischen Cyberwueste stiessen wir schliesslich auf eine Boroughs- Kolonie von gruenen Strichjungen. Bei unserer Ankunft rissen sie sich gegenseitig die Superstring- Tangas vom Leib und begannen einen ekstatischen Begruessungstanz, ihre Schwaenze im Takt der blauen Sinusmodulation schwingend. Ihren smaragdgruenen, glaenzenden Koerpern entstroemte ein betoerender Moschusduft. Einer nach dem anderen legten wir unsere Hyperraumanzuege ab und liessen uns splitternackt von dem wilden Treiben mitreissen. Armebeinesaengerknaben transmittercyberfuck geileknackaersche gammaglobulinsteife Schwaenze.

Logbuch Eintrag 57. 21. 5998 x4§55/9b-12 n-dim u.r.b.

cybernator Cybernator
necessary to navigate the n-dimensional coordinate system. To be attached to an erect penis.
pink radiation test kit Pink Radiation Test Kit
for measurement of Rosa Praunheim Radiation
queer bottom, queer top
queer strange, queer charm
transe, bi, drag Q

The time grid collapsed. We are now shall have past been future was yestermorrow is present
Captain High Heels sends sf he kdk xxl
fuc me b 4 I di

transfer interrupted transfer interrupted transfer interrupt

Das Koordinatennetz ist gerissen. Wir fallen durch alle Raumgruppen und treiben in einer spiralfoermigen Bewegung assymptotisch gegen Null. Moege die Macht mit uns sein. Commander Wang Li ruft di x chd kkkls skl
fuc me b 4 I di
transfer interrupted transfer interrupted transfer interrupted

Rosa Praunheim Radiation
During former missions into the n-dimensional vector space it turned out that only homosexual human beings can resists the Rosa Praunheim radiation. The crew of the recent mission consists therefore exclusively of gay men. Exposed to the pink radiation - depending of course on duration and intensity - they show just higher sexual activity while heterosexuals go completely nuts and start to kill each other. The WHOA (World Hyperspace Online Administration) is planning to send also a crew of lesbians in another mission.
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